
Keep track of certificates from the field with easy, anytime access on mobile or desktop.
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Trusted by 140K workers with over 6.5M forms submitted
Certificates Made Easy.

Review, track, set alerts for certs, and assign training all-in-one.

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Certificates and Training All-in-One

One destination for the field to find certs, safety teams to track expiration and training, and workers to access courses.
Simplify Certification Management
Provide unlimited access to workers with a SALUS profile on any mobile device.
Certificates are seamlessly managed through a worker’s profile.
Easy for Trades
Gain real-time visibility into safety form completion, streamlining reporting for audits and executives.


What we’ve been told

SALUS has allowed us to close the gap on communication between the field and office. We see issues nearly immediately and can address that as they arise.
Safety Administrator
SALUS has automated our manual processes so that our safety department can focus on other areas, like hazard and risk controls. It's helping the growth of our safety department.
Safety Administrator
The best part is that worker engagement has gone way up. Workers are using forms on site and managers are reviewing those from the office in real time.
Safety/QC Supervisor
The customer service is exceptional. They listen to suggestions and continue to make their app better to capture the needs of clients.
The best part about using SALUS is the ability to extract site documents right away for our COR audit. This saved us hours of time, maybe even days.
Health & Safety Manager
SALUS has saved us an estimated $7,000 on printing costs alone. And the savings in time is even greater. My monthly reports have gone from 3 days to a few hours to complete.
Safety Manager