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Free  Case Study

A journey to find the right digital safety partner

Connie Saltel, O’Connor Electric’s Health and Safety Manager, shares what keeps her motivated in her career and how she’s seen safety evolve over the years. She gives us a view into the journey she went on to finally find the right digital safety platform that satisfies the needs of the business and delivers high adoption with their workers in the field.

Here’s what Connie and her team have gained since switching to Salus:

  • High level worker adoption and increased compliance
  • Advanced reporting capabilities for administration
  • A collaborative digital safety partner that supports their needs and always considers their input


O’Connor Electric is a full-service electrical contractor serving the commercial, industrial and institutional construction sectors since 1987. Their 30 years of industry experience allows the company to take on some of the most complex projects in Ontario. O’Connor Electric’s strength is its employees’ commitment and loyalty. Their entire team is dedicated to delivering quality electrical installations while maintaining a safe environment for workers and customers.

Amongst their 450 employees, O’Connor Electric has submitted over 100,000 forms, collected 560,000 signatures, and logged 4,000 worker certificates in their 2 years using Salus.

Salus Safety Corrective Actions
With past providers, I felt like my requests would fall on deaf ears. But with SALUS, my voice is always heard.
Connie Saltel, Health and Safety Manager @ O'Connor Electric

With a Digital Safety Management Platform

build a safety culture

get adoption from the field

gain advanced reporting capabilities

increase compliance


The best way to get answers to your questions is to book an introductory call with one of our digital safety experts.

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