Safety Best Practices
Need Toolbox Topics? Check Out These Toolbox Talk Templates

Toolbox talks should be viewed as a valuable time to bring people together and create awareness of potential risks and remind people that safety is doing a job the right way. It is important to have access to the proper information and share it with your team. We have found a few valuable resources from around the web and compiled them for you.
Whether you are working with heights, heavy equipment, windy conditions, wet conditions, or even first aid you will find some great insights that will help align your safety mission.
Depending on where your company operates there are different toolbox talks that reference these specific regions. Take a look below and check back as we often update this page.
Great toolbox talks! With other resources as well (Posters and templates).
Energy Safety Canada
These two resources have everything you need to bring safety to the workers on your sites.
BC Construction Safety Alliance
The SCSA website has a lot of great toolbox talks, each toolbox talk comes with a handy how-to-use-this-resource section.
Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association (SCSA)
IHSA has an extensive resource library as well. Download their Safety Talk Report Form to keep track of your toolbox talks.
Infrasctructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA)